England Or Bust!

Monday, May 9, 2011

The first destination on my trip to Europe was England. Apparently I am a big hit in England and everyone was very welcoming. I stayed at the Savoy and had this HUGE bed all to myself. Check it out….
No trip to London is complete without a visit to the Salisbury Cathedral where I got to see the Magna Carta! 
On day two I explored the City of Bath…..
On day 3 I decided to be a little more spontaneous and got on a tour bus without knowing the end destination. New motto: if you aren't flying on the edge of life, you're taking up too much space. I tried really hard not to cramp the people sitting next to me…
Guess where I ended up......STONEHENGE!
Now this is something we haven’t re-created in Vegas...yet!

Overall the entire experience was rather lovely, even if I missed the Royal Wedding. You know…Prince William originally asked me to be his Owl of honor but I had to politely decline. I figured Harry might get a little jealous.