Tour Of My Backyard

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Hoot! Hoot! (That’s how we say hello in Owl talk).

Today I’m going to tell you about one of my FAVORITE places to hang out at the Hooters Casino Hotel.

Some of you already know that I have a pretty sweet backyard. For those of you who don’t….this is what you are missing out on:
Backyard Entrance
everyone needs their own beach!
One of the many jacuzzis
When I'm not hanging out in the cabana area I'm perched on the lifeguard stand

I even have my very own tattoo parlor!
Cabana area
Now this is the life!
Isn't it awesome at night?
Some people are really picky with their backyards and only allow guests to visit during certain hours.

That’s no fun! I want my friends to have a good time ALL the time, which is why you are allowed in my pool 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! Just be respectful ya hear? See you soon!