All About Beer

Monday, October 10, 2011

Hi friends! How was your weekend? Mine was Hooterific.

Most of you already know that we have $1.50 Bud and Bud Light at all of my casino bars 24/7 but did you know that we also sell Bud and Bud Light by the case in the Bait Shoppe?

Here I am chillin' on my Bud mountain.....

For only $17.99 per case you can fill up those coolers and be set for the weekend...or night (depending on if you share or not).

Have you ever heard of the Beer Drinkers Appreciation Club? No? Well you HAVE to check it out because I'm now an official sponsor.

I've also talked them into hooking you up with a one year membership at a VERY low price ($5 for a limited time). The perks of membership include some serious hookups at many different locations around the US. You can check them all out here.  

Are you ready to become a member yet? Just click here and sign up today!

