Orange Light Special

Thursday, October 20, 2011

What does $5 mean to you?

At Hooters Casino Hotel it means:

20 wings (25 cent wings each night at midnight)
3 bud or bud lights ($1.50 bud or bud light at all casino bars all the time)

And today it means....

Special Hooters gear during the Orange Light Special.

My girls gave you a sneak peek of the Orange Light Special on Facebook this morning but now I'm diggin in to all of the details for ya.

Each Thursday from 10am-noon and then from 6-8pm an orange light clicks on (okay not really, just pretend with me) and a Hooters merchandise item goes on sale for just $5. You can pick up your item in Splurge, the Bait Shoppe or by calling 1-866-LVHOOTS and asking for retail.

Here I am with today's $5 item....

Here's a closeup of the shirt....

 Make sure you check back each Thursday for a new $5 item!