Saturday Night Events

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Hi Friends! It's going to be a BUSY and fun weekend at the Hooters Casino Hotel. You don't want to miss out.

Saturday we will be having a Tapout autograph signing party with Jake Ellenberger, Punkass and Skrape in our Punishment MMA store. It will be from 11am-1pm so make sure you stop by!

THEN at 5pm the doors of Dixie's Dam Bar will open for...UFC 137! It's a known fact that UFC, cold beer and hot wings are the perfect combination.

$25 admission includes your first draft beer FREE. We also have a limited number of VIP tables left. These are $200 and includes admission for five people plus one half keg of bud at your table.

Hope to see you all this weekend! Owl keep an eye out for ya.


Fall Cleaning Giveaway

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Hi friends!

Today I was fall cleaning (it's like Spring cleaning but a few months later) and as I was going through some of my storage closets at the Hooters Casino Hotel I found a box of old calendars.

They might be out of date but my girls still look great!

I decided to dust the box off and give away some to my closest friends.

All you need to do to get one of these collectors calendars is send your mailing address to and I will have my girls send you one!

Peace and chicken grease,


Free Steak Dinner

Monday, October 24, 2011

Happy Monday!

It's one of my FAVORITE weeks at Hooters Casino Hotel....It's FREE STEAK week!

I know what my friends love most about Vegas and that's getting the hookups and being treated like a VIP. That's why I decided to hook you up with the ultimate freebie, a free steak dinner. You need to fill up on something before you party the night away (trust me I would know, I'm nocturOWL).

Here's what the dinner includes:

10oz New York Steak
One Baked Potato
2 Pats of butter
Unlimited Texas toast

Here's how you get the free dinner:

It's as easy as stopping by the Owl Rewards Club and showing your out of state ID. If you aren't a member, they will sign you up! If you are already a member you still need to stop by to get your free steak voucher. Then head to the Mad Onion and chow down! Hope to see you around this week!

Freebie Friday Winners and Something Cool We Just Got...

Friday, October 21, 2011

Happy Friday Friends!

I’m really excited because we just got something really cool at the Hooters Casino Hotel…..        

Not just any photobooth though. This is called and iSnap kiosk. It lets you take your picture for free and share it with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, or through Email so you can show them how much fun you are having at the Hooters Casino Hotel.

Here is a photobooth picture of me and one of my girls….

It’s located outside of the Mad Onion Restaurant so head on over and take a pic. I can’t wait to see them!

OH! And I almost forgot. Here are the Freebie Friday photo caption contest winners:

Joe Jr Rodriguez Naw. We just call them Buffalo Wings. Your safe.
David Green Does this buffalo make my Hooters look big?

Congrats on winning! Please send your mailing address to and I will have your prize sent to you.

Orange Light Special

Thursday, October 20, 2011

What does $5 mean to you?

At Hooters Casino Hotel it means:

20 wings (25 cent wings each night at midnight)
3 bud or bud lights ($1.50 bud or bud light at all casino bars all the time)

And today it means....

Special Hooters gear during the Orange Light Special.

My girls gave you a sneak peek of the Orange Light Special on Facebook this morning but now I'm diggin in to all of the details for ya.

Each Thursday from 10am-noon and then from 6-8pm an orange light clicks on (okay not really, just pretend with me) and a Hooters merchandise item goes on sale for just $5. You can pick up your item in Splurge, the Bait Shoppe or by calling 1-866-LVHOOTS and asking for retail.

Here I am with today's $5 item....

Here's a closeup of the shirt....

 Make sure you check back each Thursday for a new $5 item!

Entertainment at Hooters Casino Hotel- Part 2

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Hi Friends! Yesterday I told you all about The Dirty Joke Show at Hooters Casino Hotel. Today's post is for the know since I'm such a ladies Owl.

I decided that I needed to have something for everyone at my house, which is why I brought in my buddies The Men of X.

They perform every Wednesday-Sunday at 8pm and tickets are just $34.95.

Here I am hanging out with them:
It's the perfect show for a ladies night out or bachelorette party! Find ticket and booking info here.

As for me? I prefer hanging out with them drinking $1.50 buds after the show.

Entertainment at Hooters Casino Hotel

Monday, October 17, 2011

Hi friends! How was everyone’s weekend? Mine was filled with cold beer, hot wings, and my Hooters girls. I’m livin’ the good life at Hooters Casino Hotel!

One really cool thing about my house is the entertainment I have here. And no I’m not talking about the guests, although some of them can be very entertaining at times.

There are 4 different shows to choose from and some of them even have celebrities in them…

For example, does anyone recognize this guy?

 That’s Geechy Guy from America’s Got Talent! He is world famous and the star of The Dirty Joke Show. The show performs nightly (dark on Fridays) and is guaranteed to make you laugh until it hurts.

Here’s another fun fact:

Did you know that Geechy Guy is in the Guinness Book of World Records for telling 676 jokes in 1 hour? He actually told more than that in the hour time frame, but only the ones that made the audience laugh counted.

Geechy and I hang out ALL the time, I guess you could say we are pretty good friends!

 Make sure you check out The Dirty Joke Show the next time you come visit. You won’t be disappointed!  

Giving Back...

Friday, October 14, 2011

Hi Friends! It's finally FRIDAY! Doesn't everything just seem a little brighter on Fridays? Or are those the lights of Vegas blinding me?

I wanted to make sure I told you about a VERY important hotel discount we offer on the Hooters Casino Hotel website. 15% off to anyone with a military ID. Just book using promo code USMILT.
It's no secret that I appreciate military personnel and everything they do for us. Here I am with some of my Marine friends....

Hope you can all come hang out with me soon!

Have a great weekend!

NFR Contest

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Hi Friends!

Have you heard about our facebook contest yet? All you have to do it fill out the form on the “enter to win” page. I get to choose weekly winners throughout the month of October so that means there are 3 more chances to win. Here is the prize:

2 Night Stay during NFR (Dec 2-10, 2011)
2 plaza tickets to NFR
2 Bud vouchers
1 NFR Gund stuffed Hootie

So like I said, all you need to do is click the “enter to win” tab on the left hand side of the Hooters Casino Hotel facebook page. I choose our 2nd winner tomorrow.   

And make sure you share my facebook page with your friends so they can enter too, it’s good luck! ;-)

Behind the scenes of the 2012 Hooters Calendar Photoshoot

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Being in the Hooters calendar is a BIG accomplishment around here so I promised my calendar girls I would do an entire blog post dedicated to them.

Lucky for you, I was there during the photoshoot so I can give you all of the behind the scenes details.

The day started off bright and early poolside. While the girls finished doing their hair and makeup, I tested out the camera.

Although I didn’t make the calendar this year…there’s always hope for 2013. ;-)

Nikki was photographed first…

Then it was Jenn’s turn…

Jenn and I hanging out in-between photos...
Look how awesome Jenn and Nikki look in the calendar pictures that were chosen….

Keep an eye out for the calendar signing party we will be having in the next few weeks, in the mean time make sure you pick up your 2012 Hooters calendar. You can get it online, in Splurge or Bait Shoppe for just $18 and for a limited time we will even throw in the 2011 Hooters calendar for FREE.

Your Last Chance....

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Hi friends! It's your last chance to take advantage of this sweet hookup I got for you.

Our 25% off sale ends tomorrow (10/12) at midnight.

What are you waiting for? Book a room and come party it up Hootie style! Click here to book your room now.

All About Beer

Monday, October 10, 2011

Hi friends! How was your weekend? Mine was Hooterific.

Most of you already know that we have $1.50 Bud and Bud Light at all of my casino bars 24/7 but did you know that we also sell Bud and Bud Light by the case in the Bait Shoppe?

Here I am chillin' on my Bud mountain.....

For only $17.99 per case you can fill up those coolers and be set for the weekend...or night (depending on if you share or not).

Have you ever heard of the Beer Drinkers Appreciation Club? No? Well you HAVE to check it out because I'm now an official sponsor.

I've also talked them into hooking you up with a one year membership at a VERY low price ($5 for a limited time). The perks of membership include some serious hookups at many different locations around the US. You can check them all out here.  

Are you ready to become a member yet? Just click here and sign up today!



The 2012 Calendar Is Here!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Happy Friday! It’s one of the best days of the week. This weekend is going to be a ton of fun…actually every weekend is a ton of fun at Hooters Casino Hotel.

Today I have some exciting news to share. The 2012 Hooters Calendar is finally here!

You can purchase yours in Splurge or the Bait Shoppe for just $18.00 and we will even throw in a FREE 2011 Hooters Calendar (while supplies last).

Bait Shoppe (Splurge not shown)

If you aren’t able to stop in to Splurge or Bait Shoppe just call 1-866-LVHOOTS and ask for retail. One of my girls will gladly take your order over the phone and send it to you (tax and shipping rates may apply).

Here’s the most exciting part…

TWO of my Hooters girls are in the calendar this year (Nikki and Jenn), but I think that deserves its own blog post. Make sure you check back sometime next week! Hope you all have a HOOT this weekend.