Mama Was A Busy Owl...

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Here's something you might not know about me....

I have a TON of brothers and sisters. See....

After my brothers and sisters heard about me traveling the World this summer they got a little jealous. You know how siblings can be! I'm tired of getting my feathers ruffled, so I made them a deal.

Now here's where you come in. I need you to adopt one of my brothers or sisters and take pictures of them in your hometown. That way they feel like they are a part of the fun. I'll even blog about it if you send me the pictures on facebook or email them to me at

Here is the link where you can adopt...
Adopt an Owl

Can't wait to see all of your pics!

Tomorrow I'm going to give you the inside scoop on one of my FAVORITE rooms at the Hooters Casino Hotel so make sure you come back to my blog.

Talk to you soon!