Orange You Glad Freebie Friday Is Back?

Friday, July 29, 2011

Hi Friends! Orange you glad Freebie Friday is back? I sure am! Well...except for the fact that they make ME pick the winners. I hate choosing are all winners to me. But since I HAD to pick here are the top four (in no particular order):

Justin James: At the pirch next to HOOTIE I have a vision, I see myself standing with my best friends Mike and Chris next to an ORANGE craps table all with $1.50 BUDS in our hands. We have an abundance of chips infront worth lots of mONEY and I look very hungry.
LUCKY for me, I see the HOOTERS Restruant on the other side of the CASINO.
On the short walk to WINGS, I stop to play a Progressive Slot machine in hopes of a JACKPOT.
I didn't win my slot and walk to the greeter at Hooters and am greeted by HOOTERS GIRLS.
Their Warm SMILES let me see I am in VEGAS for a Bachelor Party.
It is time for 911 Wings POOLside with my Buds. How much more FUN could a guy ask for.

Jang Kwon: (A true story)
Flash back to March 2007
I was in Vegas for a conference
My nights were free
Saw Hooters in the distance from the Strip
Figured why not, give it a try
What did I find?
A beach-themed casino as soon as you enter
Played the slots for a while hoping for a jackpot
Some money did come out though, guess I was lucky after all
Time to eat - greeted by Hooters Girls in their orange shorts
Had clam chowder - mmmmm, not to mention service with a smile
Maybe I'll have the $1.50 Bud and wings next time
Time to go but I really didn't want to
My only regret? Not running into Hootie by the pool.
But I'll be back in 2012 for more Hooters Fun.

Victor Sand:
Landing at McCarran, looking for some fun
Jumping into a shuttle, let's get those reels spun
I see the orange beuaties, lots of hooters girls
More precious than money, than diamonds or pearls
"Plese drop me off right here, I've found my golden grail"
And as I enter the casino, I can feel that tasy smell
Wings for almost nothing, and 1.50 buds so cold
I must have hit the jackpot, this is better than pure gold
Vegas may have much to offer, but you know that I sure feel:
With my hootie in the sunny pool, there's no need to leave
Hooters has it all, and it'll always be in style
'Cause here I'm always lucky, and I'll sure leave with a smile

Trish Gormen Morgensen:
I wish I was in VEGAS at the HOOTERS CASINO winning the LUCKY JACKPOT so I will have lots of MONEY so I can buy WINGS and some ORANGE shorts so I can look like one of the beautiful HOOTERS GIRLS which would make my husband SMILE while he is lounging around the POOL drinking his $1.50 BUD, having fun with his friend HOOTIE.

Congrats on now have full Hooters bragging rights! Check out all of the stuff you won:

Make sure you send me an email with your mailing address.