Back To Blogging With A Giveaway

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Hi Friends!

I’m BACK!!! I’ve been OWLive and well but I sure do miss writing in my little piece o’ the internet. That’s why one of my New Years resOWLutions is to share my life with you a little more.  Let’s face it I am living the good life! 24/7 I’m surrounded by hot wings, cold beer and even hotter women. Oh and I can’t forget that I live in VEGAS, one of the most happenin’ cities in the world! 

So let’s make a deal- I’ll keep posting adventures and you keep reading. Sound good?

How about we kick off with a little giveaway? I found some of these collector’s items in storage and would love to share them with you!

All you have to do is send your mailing address to and I’ll have my girls mail you one (while supplies last).  

Until Next Time,
