Leavin' On A Jet Plane

Monday, June 27, 2011

Last week I got the opportunity to check another adventure off my bucket list. I gave my wings a break and got to fly through the sky in my very own fighter jet!

Think that's cool? I haven't even told you the best part. I also got to hang out with a few celebrities all day. I know what you're thinking, "pictures or it didn't happen" so here's the proof:

Christopher Knight (Peter Brady), Gary Graham (Star Trek and Alien Nation), Michael "The Count" Bisping (UFC) and Razor Rob McCullou (MMA).

Getting ready to show Christopher Knight what flying is all about!
Ready for takeoff!
WresOWLing around with Razor Rob McCullou. 
Hanging out after flying!
My first time ever playing shuffOWLboard!

I schooled him in that game of pool!
Looking for some adventure of your own? Check out Sky Combat Ace here.

I'm off to find another adventure. Talk to you soon!

Friends In High Places

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Even an A-list celebrity like myself gets a little star struck sometimes. Look who stopped in today....

It's Star Trek and Alien Nation star Gary Graham! Word around the place is that he has more friends coming to visit! I'll keep you updated on who I get to meet next.

OWLizona Weekend

Monday, June 20, 2011

I just had the most relaxing weekend trip in ARIZONA or as I like to say...OWLizona.
I couldn't wait to get there and show my friends the new surfing moves I learned the last time I was in San Diego...
Only one problem....there were no waves in sight!

Nothing says OWLizona like a cactus or two...
This one was as tall as me!
After some fun in the sun we got ready to go to dinner and a baseball game. One of my favorite new restaurants is Cooperstown.
Some of you may have heard of it....
It's owned by Alice Cooper and the waiters even dress up to look like him. You know I jumped on the opportunity to dress up...did you expect anything less?
Next up...the ball game!
It was at one of my favorite stadiums...

I tried to bring my new friend back to Hooters Casino Hotel with me....
But she loves OWLizona too much. I don't blame her!

Time to rest my wings a bit this week. I have a HUGE trip coming up soon. What's a cool thing for me to visit in your hometown?

Long Distance Brother-Part 1

Thursday, June 16, 2011

One of my brothers got adopted the other day and now lives in Clinton, Massachusetts. Here are some pics of him hanging out in his new hometown.....
What's all that green stuff on the ground? ;-)
His new family even gave him a Boston Bruins hat! They just won the Stanley cup!
Friends at first sight.
Sorry brother, the Hootie Dam is still better than your new Dam!
With all that green stuff around you're really going to stand out!

Even I don't have my own chauffeur.
Thanks for adopting my brother and sending in the great pictures Eric Maypother! Looks like he is going to have a blast hanging out with you. :-)