Freebie Winners and Other Upcoming Things

Friday, September 30, 2011

Hey guys! Hootie here. I miss updating all of you on my life. It's been a while but I promise to start writing more. I need your help keeping me acountabOWL though okay? Be sure to check this throughout next week and make sure I'm posting enough.

Now that we have that out of the way, why don't we announce some facebook winners...what do ya say?

So here was the picture I needed a caption for....

And here were my favorite captions....
Kevin Heiting How much more do I have to lose to be in Raack-n-roll?
Mike Alberson Welcome to Hooters! No wait.
Tricia Campos When i feel like i have the weight of the world on my shoulders i just go to hooters cus there aint no thang like a chicken wing ;)

Congrats! Make sure you email me your address ( so I can have my girls mail out your prize. 

Redeeming My Absence With A Giveaway

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Hi Friends! Sorry I've been MIA so long. Things have been crazy busy and fun around here!  I still need to tell you about the OWLsome trip I went on a few weeks ago. You aren't going to believe where I was.
I thought I would redeem my absence with a giveaway since I know how much my friends (YOU) love those!

Unless you've been living under a rock, you know that X-MEN First Class was released on DVD. Lucky for you I have friends in high places and they sent me a few extra copies to give to some of my lucky friends. All you need to do is shoot me an email ( AND write a comment on the Hooters Casino Hotel facebook page about how OWLsome I am...Easy huh? Ready go!